Family Law Firm Doubles Traffic And Conversions

A Michigan based law firm specializing in family law and criminal defense received over 1,540 conversions (leads) in a 10 month period as a result of our SEO and PPC efforts. These efforts more than doubled the amount of traffic to their website and increased conversions by more than 50% which resulted in significantly more clients and revenue for their practice.

Graph with a major upward trajectory right above numbers showing a 116% increase in organic traffic and 55% increase in conversions for a family law firmClick to enlarge

How These Results Were Achieved

Using our knowledge and resources, we identified the most lucrative keyword searches for their practice. We identify these searches through several key factors:

  • The average monthly search volume
  • The relevance of the search to their practice
  • The competition for that search

In other words, the most desirable keywords have a high monthly search volume and are being searched by individuals actively looking for an attorney.

For example, the keyword “Family Lawyer” has 6,500 searches per month and represents a potential client searching for an attorney for this practice area. As you can see from the AHREFS report below, we were able to achieve tremendous success and rankings for this keyword and similar queries.

SEO data chart showing two keywords Michigan Divorce, and Divorce in Michigan that are ranked on the first page of search engines
Click to enlarge

After identifying these high value searches, we optimized their website around them to demonstrate this law firm’s authority on the topic. This includes writing well-researched and professionally written articles which covered legal topics surrounding these keywords in great depth.

For example, we identified that the search term “Divorce in Michigan” has almost 3,000 searches per month. We recently published an article that extends over 2,000 words on this topic. As indicated by the AHREFS report below, the article currently ranks exceptionally well and continues to improve.

SEO data chart showing keywords for a family law firm related to Michigan divorce most of which are ranked on first page of search engines
Click to enlarge

Other than professional quality writing and unique knowledge of Search Engines, we employed several other strategies to achieve these results. These strategies include but are not limited to the following:

  • Added high quality custom images to each page that relate to the keyword
  • Added compelling calls to action for each page enticing website visitors to call or submit their contact information through the website
  • Used resources to research top competitors for each keyword and reverse engineered their content to outrank them for these searches.
  • Technical improvements to the front and back end of the website, such as image optimizations, CSS and JavaScript cleanup, and more.

Client Testimonial

Family Law Attorney Ryan Kelly
“Kevin was a lifesaver for our website and digital marketing. Highly professional and responsive. Thank you!”

Criminal Law Attorney Mike Kelly
“Kevin did a great job when tasked with showcasing the many talents of our law departments. His contributions were always complimentary when responding to emails and publishing new content to the website. I would absolutely recommend Kevin!”